Pre-order & delivery status
Product Status Description
If this Chibi appears, you have the opportunity to secure this product at the specified price!
We only ask you to order this if you are sure you really want to buy it, as a cancellation to the manufacturer/wholesaler is not possible and we only order the product for you.
If this Chibi appears, the product is already in our warehouse and can be shipped promptly (2-3 working days).
If this Chibi appears, the product will appear in our warehouse after the release date. Here you have the opportunity to get the product again without pre-ordering.
We will be able to send the product to you immediately after receipt of the goods!
If this chibi appears, the product is unfortunately sold out, BUT you can always ask if we would get it back in as soon as possible
We would do our best to order the product for you despite the pre-order deadline
pre sales
We offer the possibility to pre-order items that are not yet officially available on the market. It can often happen that the publication date of the article is pushed forward or backward, if this should happen, we will inform you in good time.
However, you have the option of paying for pre-orders immediately or if we ask you to pay. This happens at the latest when the goods arrive in our warehouse. You have 14 calendar days from the payment request to settle the invoice amount. If this does not happen, we reserve the right to cancel your pre-order.
We will inform you about the delivery status of the article by e-mail about two weeks before it arrives at the warehouse.
The availability of pre-order items is determined by the respective manufacturers. In rare cases, the manufacture or sale of a product may be discontinued. Should this happen with one of the figures you have ordered, we will inform you immediately and ask for your understanding that we have to cancel your order. If you have already paid, we will return your amount using the same payment method.
On demand
Articles that are on request can be checked by us for availability. We also check what the item will cost if you re-order it and how long the expected delivery time is.
Sold out
Items that are marked as sold out can usually no longer be reordered. In some cases, the item can still be obtained if requested. Items that are sold out but are still in the pre-order period can still be reordered. Just contact us by email (MiyoBoo@outlook.de).